Saturday, May 1, 2010

Dave Carey's Rehab Method

A tennis friend and Asheville condo neighbor, Dave Carey, is 96 years old and plays tennis several times a week. His mind is all there. He was a rugby player and Rhodes Scholar from UBC in the early 1930s. He's quite an accomplished tennis player, having won various age-specific US championships in singles, and in doubles with the legendary Gardnar Mulloy, who is exactly the same age as Dave.

On the way to tennis the other day, Dave described how he was told, some years ago, to rehab after his hip replacement surgeries. Here it is:

Step 1: Start out using two crutches.

Step 2: Every day for one month, walk as much as your pain will allow.

Step 3: If you still have any crutches, discard one crutch and go to step 2. Otherwise, you are done and should go play tennis.

He said that after doing this (i.e. for 3 months), he felt fully healed. My kind of rehab algorithm!!

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